Lighting – Smartify 50s low-voltage lighting system


I bought a house with a low-voltage lighting system, where the switches have low-voltage wires that power relays that actually power the full-voltage lights. I want to find out if I can take advantage of all the low-voltage wiring to install a system that can integrate with home-automation systems. The relays are all centrally located, so I am hoping that a centrally located computer could do the work of the old relays.

I am assuming that I would have to replace all the switches and relays with something more compatible with computer I/O voltages or something like that, but I am not very proficient with electronics, which is why I am asking here.

A description of the system can be found here:

enter image description here

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I would use the system as it is and add a low voltage relay that the computer controls to fire the existing relay. With this method the existing switches would still be functional as an overide, one example might be similar to an arduino relay board using the arduino micro controller my grand son and I built a 12 channel Christmas light controller, in your case you use the relay to bypass the switch and pull in the larger relay using the existing low voltage control.