Lighting – What fixture would give the best light in this high-ceiling room


My high-ceiling living room has only 3 plug-in lamps, but there are two live, switched electrical boxes on the wall, a few feet apart, just above top of the bookcase in the photo below.

The easiest place to put fixed light fixtures is on the wall immediately over the bookcase.

What type of light fixture might provide the best light for the room, if put on the wall above the bookcase? (By best, I mean general light throughout the room.)

enter image description here

Best Answer

Non-trivial solution, but I would look at running a wire up the wall to the ceiling and over to the beam and either hang a chandelier from the middle of the beam, or install track lighting on the beam. You can use moulding along the beam to cover up a wire there so nobody will notice it (I did that for my living room which is now my dining room). If you do it right, you will only need to cut & patch two small sections of the wall/ceiling - one directly above the existing box and one next to the beam.