Lighting – What type of exterior floodlight will turn on slowly (or not at all) when it’s cold out


I have eight (8) floodlights on my tennis court. I didn't install these, they came with the court.

Floodlight just switched on
Floodlight fully powered

Questions: Recently, in the evening when it was cold I switched them on and only 3 of the 8 came on. A few days later in the middle of the day when it was warm I switched them on and all of them came on. The normal functionality of the lights is that they slowly get brighter and brighter (as you can see from the attached images) until about 5 minutes has passed when they are fully "powered."

What type of bulbs are these that illuminate slowly? Is it normally behavior that these lights might not work when it's cold (a few degrees above freezing)?

Best Answer

Those look like Metal Halide bulbs. It is normal that they take upwards of 20 minutes to get to full brightness. They can be affected by cold temperatures, but this could also be a failing ballast or igniter (sometimes part of the ballast). There could also be some poor electrical connections.

These should not be turned on and off frequently - you have to let them cool for 20min before restarting.