Likelyhood of lead paint in 1970s build UK


I'm currently stripping some horrible old anaglypta wallpaper and noticed that under the lining paper there is a bright yellow paint underneath. Some of it is coming away, most of it is not and I'm trying not to disturb it as much as possible.

Next I will use a steamer to get the rest of the lining off but it dawned on me that I might not be taking the necessary precautions. I've heard that it would be extremely unlikely given the age of my property in the UK that the paint would contain lead.

Does anyone know if that might not be the case?

Best Answer

Get a rub-stick lead test kit, they're very easy & cheap. My understanding is that you didn't ban lead paint until 1990 in the stores. Bright yellow is a clear indicator it's lead, that started out navy blue. I'm kidding of course.

But, lead paint's only bad if you swallow it so don't lick or eat any, though it's the color of cake frosting (icing, cream, schmootz) & wash your hands liberally with lots of soap & water, for once in your life, after actually handling it & anything that might have stuck to it for 40+ years. Looking at it doesn't require decontamination.

Secondly, just don't scrape it nor sand it. Yep, no scraping & no Sandpaper or Pricker Cloth or Dragon's Skin or Stubble Pads, whatever you might call it over there. It's fine to peel, pick & lift off with a putty knife (yeah, whatever). Paint Stripper (no that's not a "dancer") is also fine. But, most people pass it on to the next person & paint over it with a Lead Encapsulating Paint. You should go that way since you took the wallpaper down & did your part.