Literature on effect of frequent switching on-off of air conditioner on compressor

compressorenergy efficiencyhvac

I tried searching for literature on this using various search terms on google scholar but couldn't get anything substantial. I'm particularly interested in how adversely the AC compressor is affected by frequent switching on-off and how its efficiency is affected. Is there any additional conventional wisdom you could enlighten me with? Thank you for the help.

Best Answer

Bottom line; reducing run time will save money and energy. There is nothing wrong with using an occupancy sensor to control whether the A/C can run. If you think about how often a compressor cycles on and off while in use, shutting down when no one is present obviously will REDUCE cycles. As for lack of dehumidification, that is usually only a concern when units are oversized and can not run long enough before reaching temperature set point to remove adequate moisture from the ambient air. Having an unoccupied mode, on the other hand, allows room temperatures to elevate, and thereby necessitating longer recovery run times and actually improving humidity control. Go for it!