Living near a highway in SoCal with no standard windows – how to install A/C


I have an air purifier and keeping all windows/doors closed is going to be a must. But the humidity and temperature are issues now. I can get a dehumidifier but then I'm left with the temperature problem – I like a cool 68F. It seems like my options are:

  • Portable A/C with some kind of tube – I haven't seen any on Amazon that have good reviews though. I also don't know where I would go about installing the exhaust tube.
  • In-window AC – I'd be fine with this if it fit a standard outlet however none of my windows seem compatible with this setup (see below for photos).
  • Evaporative cooler – this seems nice in theory but I'm in SoCal where humidity can be an issue. I also haven't seen any with promising consumer reviews.
  • Ductless – I like this but… $$$

Am I missing any options? How would you go about keeping your air crisp, clean, and cool in my situation?

Pics of my windows:

BATHROOM – one little window, sliding:

enter image description here

KITCHEN – two windows, sliding:

enter image description here

BEDROOM – one window, sliding:

enter image description here

And then I have a sliding door in my living room.

I consider myself to be handy-capable – enough so to remove windows and such. I just repainted my place, replaced all outlets/switches, installed a fan etc so I'm comfortable making modifications as needed but I'd like to keep costs (time, money) as low as possible.

Best Answer

As mentioned in another answer, casement window air conditioners are available.

The portable units work okay. Obviously they eat some floor space. You may have to empty the condensate that collects. You have to run a dryer type hose to exhaust hot air. The units usually come with a mounting bracket that go in a window, but somehow these are always useless plastic junk. However it's very easy to make a plywood window bracket for the hose. It's not that hard to install a permanent dryer vent if you'll use the same unit in the same window every year.

You can buy air conditioners that are made to install in a permanent wall penetration, search for "through-wall air conditioner" - they usually have a sheet metal box that stays in place year round. There is obviously some carpentry involved but it's not too difficult. If you can place them below a window, usually you don't have to install a header over the opening. If you don't want to DIY it, it's not something for a handyman, but an easy job for a carpenter.

I think the ductless will be your best option - they are a lot more money, but popular for good reasons and although definitely advanced DIY, DIY-able.

  • Flexible options for location of indoor units
  • Efficient electric heat for moderate climates
  • Quiet
  • No annual installation / removal
  • No cords
  • No compromise of security (break ins)
  • No drafts around window units
  • Adds value to home