Load bearing wall & shelving suggestions


As you can see by photo, I’ve wttached these “uprights” to a load bearing wall, hoping to have room for work bench and cabinet and tv underneath when done. Focusing on just the shelf right now- the top of this shelf where I will store kids clothes, yard tools and, some furniture parts. Ignore the clutter under the shelf as thats all temporary.

I got excited and attached to wall but am now questioning whether whether it’s safe to have this much pull on a load bearing wall. Therefore, looking for suggestions to secure so it stands on its own, and is just attached to wall.

Can’t tie into ceiling because ceiling/roofing system is butt joints with steel gussets – not meant to be pulled on.

Will take uprights down if there’s no other way- hate to waste as I spent a lot of time getting the joinery right and they were expensive. enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

Attaching to load bearing wall is not a problem, especially if you’re just storing, “kids clothes, yard tools and furniture parts”. You’re probably concerned about eccentric loading. However, the axial loading will far exceed the eccentric loading, helping to stabilize the studs.

The weak link to your design are the fasteners at the top of your vertical members. Make sure they are secured properly for withdrawal. (Don’t over drill pilot hole.)

Add 4 - 1/2” lag bolts from shelf to wall studs AND make sure the shelf joists are secured to wall ledger by using plywood and using 8d, Install 8-10 nails in ledger and secure to outboard plate on shelf.