Looking for a way to connect LED strip to 18 AWG wire neatly


I'm installing a LED strip(2pin) lighting in our staircase.
There's an 18 AWG wire coming out from each tread nosing that is attached to the LED strip a couple inches away from it.

enter image description here

The problem I'm having is with hiding this 18 AWG wire – it's quite thick, so it doesn't really stick well to the nosing (tried gluing it).

Any advice on best practices to hide the wire leading into LED strips for installations like this?

The wire coming in to LED strip itself doesn't have to be that thick, in fact standard connectors have 22AWG wire that I think would be much easier to glue and hide from view.

I was thinking perhaps the 18AWG wire coming out of the tread could be terminated right there with a connector to which a thinner wire could plug into and lead to the strip. Any advice on what type of connectors could work best for such a solution? I need to make a 90 degree turn from incoming wire there – had hard time finding a corner connector for that.

Best Answer

That led strip only needs a small wire - I would have a hidden connector box under the stairs and a short section of hidden thin wire to the led - even make a cover for each end.