Masonry bricks acceptable as pavers


Working on a plan for installing pavers for a small patio and drive way (sand over compacted gravel). Found local source for really cheap masonry bricks (bricks with voids). What issues would I run into down the line if I used these as patio and/or driveway pavers?

I think that they may not hold up to the load for a driveway, but they may work for the patio. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I can't find anything on this online, which makes me think this is a dumb idea.

Best Answer

If your base is solid the bricks will be fine in both places. With that said I have done this and after several years of parking my heavy work van in the same area there was a noticeable indent along the tire path. I had ~4" of crushed rock or shale and then maybe 1/2" of sand, I put the holes up and seeded with drought resistant grass in them (I saw the idea in a magazine for more green spaces). I thought it looked nice but in the summer I had to water my driveway to keep it green.