Method to catch multiple mice


I have a mouse problem in my house. I have put out mouse traps and they have been mostly successful. Five mice have been caught within a week. My predicament is that there are still mice and I would like a method that I can use to catch multiple mice with the same trap so I don't have to keep checking/setting them all the time.

NOTE: I am open to either fatal/live traps.

Best Answer

Try searching "mouse bucket trap". There's a ton of different variations, so I'm not going to go into too much detail. But basically it's a bucket, a ramp, some peanut butter, and a rotating mechanism.

mouse bucket trap

If you want to kill the mice, put some antifreeze (or other poison) in the bucket. If you're looking for less lethal, leave the bucket empty, or put in some wood chips or similar.

Notice that I said "less lethal". If you leave mice in the bucket too long, they will get hungry. And mice have no qualms about going cannibal.