Mice that are eating through the boards under kitchen cabinets


I have lots of mice I. My home it ate through the board under the kitchen cabinets. How can I cover that and what do I cover it with and does peppermint oil work if I spray it around the house. Please help

Best Answer

Get Professional help.

@TheEvilGreebo is correct. I have my own mice stories which I won't bore you all with. But the bottom line is that a good exterminator can do a combination of:

  • traps
  • poisoned bait (they eat and (hopefully) die elsewhere
  • figure out where/how the mice are getting in and either block them or tell you how to block them

The last item is particularly important. Mice can get in through a surprisingly small hole. It could be you have holes from rotting wood or recent construction and when one mouse gets in and finds food, he tells his friends...

There are plenty of "home remedies" but once you are infested, I highly recommend professional help to get the problem under control. Once it is under control, the home remedies may be sufficient.

Or (seriously) get a cat.