Moisture on the garage ceiling


I live in northern Wisconsin and am getting mold on my ceiling in my 900 sq ft. garage. The garage is a dry walled and has r19 in walls with plastic barrier over the insulation between the dry wall and insulation. Same goes for the ceiling has drywall , plastic barrier then r40 blown in over top. I am getting mold on the ceiling only every now and then where do you think my problem is ocuring from.

Best Answer

If you run the engines of the cars in your garage then that is probably source of the high humidity and the moisture. If this is the case, then you need to vent that area when the engines are running and for a short time after the engines are shut off. Burning fuels create a lot of water vapor. If it is not from the cars engines, Then i would check for water infiltration from the roof area. With all that insulation and the vapor barrier you have created a tight atmosphere in the garage. Any operation in the garage that gives off moisture will allow that moisture to collect on the ceiling and walls which can allow for mold to grow.