Mold growing on inside of new windows


We spent thousands of dollars for new windows couple years ago. Our old windows were only 15 years old and double pane and always getting wet inside in winter so we had them all replaced with triple pane.
Now these ones are getting wet only around the edge of the glass but very VERY moldy. We had the people from the window Company back after it started and checked the air and it showed comfortable but they still said it's too much humidity. We have a small monitor in use all the time and it shows comfortable so what can the problem be and if it's due to humidity why didn't the old windows grow mold. They definitely didn't. Ever.

Best Answer

As homes become more airtight ( new windows=less drafts and no air exchanger ) there is more of a chance for humidity to hang around and not evaporate. If you allow the moisture to just sit there the chances of mold growing is increased. Wipe the moisture away on your windows on a regular basis. Perhaps spray them with a bleach solution as well.

Consider adding de humidifier or some ventilation.