Mounting a heavy (21 Kg) fan on a shed wall


I want to mount an industrial fan in my shed.

Because of its dimensions, the only option seems to fix it on a wood beam that run around the shed near the top (see the red square on the picture):

View of the shed's wall

I'm not sure of the type of wood, but the same type of beam is used for holding the roof so I guess it should support the weight (its section size is 95mm x 45mm).

My questions are:

  • Will the beam be strong enough to support the 21 Kg fan (I guess it should, but I'd appreciate a more qualified answer)
  • What should I use to fix the fan (the metal plate provided features two 14mm holes; see picture bellow)

Fan and its fixation plate

EDIT: Here is what I'll do after taking advantage of the great advises I received:

What it should look like

Note that I moved the fan to the left since the first draft; That's where I wanted it in the first place but because of the vertical placement constraint there wasn't enough ceiling clearance.

Feel free to make remarks if I missed something important (I'll try to find a 3/4 inches plywood board for the vertical support).

Best Answer

(1) The fan as shown in the photo is upside down. Mounted in this position, the weight of the fan will pull the plate away from the beam. Turn it over so the weight will push the plate against the beam.

(2) The beam will hold the fan but the weight will apply a twisting force to the beam.

To overcome this, you should mount a board vertically from the beam to another anchor point, perhaps the steel beam directly above. Mount the fan on the vertical board, not directly on the beam.

Alternately you may be able to brace the fan mounting with a chain or other tension member between the end of the fan mount arm and the steel beam directly above.

Of course I'm not there so you'll have to identify and calculate the forces yourself.

(3) If you can, use through bolts with fender washers rather than large wood screws.