Mounting a TV above a fireplace with an unknown stone


Just moving into a new place and I moved the TV in today. I took the old mount down and figured I would use it at the new place so I kept all of the screws. New house has a nice fireplace in the living room that I would love to place the TV over. I went to start trying to find a stud and found out the wall is solid stone. Previously I mounted only to drywall so I figured I might be in over my head. I figured I would mount the TV on another wall just to discover that all of the walls in the house are stone. Now I am really not sure what to do or even what to look up because I am not sure what kind of stone this is. Could anyone here help guide me in the right direction? How do I figure out what kind of stone the walls are? Also can I mount a TV to stone?

And before anyone says anything about how we should've been told before buying the house, it was inherited so a lot of the information discovered in the buying process was lost.

Best Answer

Mounting a TV above a fireplace is an overall bad thing to do.

  1. Fireplaces get hot. Electronics do not like heat.
  2. Above fireplace places TV at a less than optimum viewing angle. TVs are designed for best image looking mostly straight on at eye level whilst sitting on a typical couch.
  3. Getting connection power cords and signal cables up around the side of the fireplace and to the area of the bracket is totally hampered by the firebox and chimney that is inside the wall. Normal in wall hiding of cables is not possible and leads to an ugly installation.