Mounting an electrical box to screws drilled into the ceiling


enter image description hereA plastic box junction box shall be mounted to a drywall industrial ceiling with two screws. The box will be filled with many low voltage wires before it is brought to the worksite (making it very difficult, if not impossible, to screw down from the inside).

Is there a clever method to first screw-in the screws to the ceiling, then mount the box to screws, which are protruding from the ceiling?

Best Answer

You pull the wiring out of the box enough to allow you to attach the screws safely without nicking a wire. It really helps to hand-drive the screw with care, not just smash it in with a power-driver.

If you don't like all that care, then you use a type of junction box that has ears on the outside, like this.

enter image description here

Or a metal box which, while you do not see any ears, they come in the accessory kit and you can attach them one of several ways.

enter image description here