My dehumidifier doesn’t seem to be working, but the indoor humidity is around 22%. Is this normal


A pest control company suggested that I get a dehumidifier to try to get rid of the silverfish bugs I've had in my room. I bought a cheap dehumidifier off of Amazon and a humidity monitor, but the dehumidifier pulled out like 1 fl oz of water out in the first 2-3 days total, and now that water is all evaporated.

Now it's not really even circulating air. But my indoor humidity is 20-22% which the monitor says is low, and it went down to 16% today. Is it just that the dehumidifier is crappy, or can it just not pull moisture out of the air at these levels of moisture?

Best Answer

Take my advice with a grain of salt – I live on an extremely humid island – but my dehumidifier can be set not to work below certain relative humidities, and those are 40%, 60%, and 80%. A quick googling turns up a number of sites that suggest 40%-50% as the ideal range for health and comfort.

It may depend on where you live (Arizona?), but the 16%-22% you're seeing strikes me as very low. If that's what humidity is like throughout your house, even without the dehumidifier, I think it's safe to say you don't need one. I would wager that they don't really make consumer dehumidifiers that can remove moisture too far below that.