Mysterious black dots appearing on carpet


enter image description hereWe purchased our house last August and I don't know how old the carpet is but it's definitely been around for a while.

Earlier this year, these little black dots started showing up in one specific area of the carpet. The area is near the door to our patio so of course it could be from the dog… but they are almost identical in size and color.

We don't wear shoes in the house (if that matters), and it seems like they show up after it has rained. I wipe the dog's paws before she comes in if it's wet out and I haven't seen anything come off on the towel that could be the culprit of the black spots.

We had the carpet cleaned six months ago and the spots came up, but they have started to return in new areas over the last week.

I'm wondering if they are some sort of mold spores that are coming up from the carpet padding? Is that even possible?

Has anyone had any spots like this appear on their carpet? We are going to get the carpet replaced with hardwood soon but I would still like to figure out what is possibly causing this.

Best Answer

Looks like grease. Check the door hinges and latch for dripping from over-lubrication.

Does not look like mold, and mold doesn't usually occur on top of carpet like that anyway.