HVAC – Identifying Mysterious Metal Plate on Basement Ceiling


There is a metal plate on the top of my basement's celing.

It is attached to the HVAC ducts, but doesn't appear to be a duct itself.

I'm interested in using the stud it is attached to hang an LED strip light that requires stud access.

Can I drill a pilot hole through the sheet metal to attach it to the joist? What is the purpose of the sheet metal?
Plate 2

Best Answer

This appears that they used the channel between studs as a return air duct. Look at the duct that attaches to it and see if it is also a return air duct or if it goes to the return side of the air handler.

That said, drilling a small hole to hang something should be fine. Make sure you drill as close to the center of the stud as you can - you don't want a random hole in the return air duct if you can avoid it. If you have some kind of hole-drilling accident, a piece of aluminum duct tape or duct sealant should fix it.