Natural gas smell in house after new roof installation


We just had our roof replaced today, and I've noticed a distinct smell of natural gas at random times while walking through the house. When they were here they had large pieces of wood up against the garage to protect it and I noticed the garage reaked of the smell after they left. So I opened the garage to let it air out, and now it's fine. But I still have random smells theoughout the house that smells like natural gas (we do have a gas range and water heater).

Is this normal, after replacing our gas vent? Could this be something else that just smells like gas?

Fwiw, I have two young daughters in the house – kind of worried to go to sleep without figuring this out first.

Best Answer

If in ANY doubt about whether there is a significant gas leak, evacuate, alert the fire department, and tell the gas company to send someone over with a sniffer to check for gas and find the source if a leak does exist.

However, remember that there might just be a skunk in the area...

If you're using gas, it's probably worth investing in a gas alarm before this issue arises. Some serve as carbon monoxide alarms too.

(I heat with gas, have cooked on a gas range (the only option I like more is inductive, and that's a bit of a mixed bag), and will probably switch to a gas dryer when I upgrade the laundry, so I'm certainly not particularly afraid of it. But like electricity it should be treated with respect, and if it seems to be appearing someplace it shouldn't, you want someone who knows what they are doing to investigate.)