Need help finding the right replacement screws


I have lost the screws for my digital Piano, and would like to buy new ones from Home Depot or a local hardware store. The manual has some info, but it seems that I also need the tread size to find the proper screw. Any ideas how I can find the right screws?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Some of the screws appear to have threads for wood (or plastic). The actual thread pitch isn't terribly important, so just buy screws of the correct size and with suitable heads.

Screw E is obviously a machine screw. 4mm screws typically have a standard thread pitch (0.70mm), so what you find should work. If there are multiple options, buy both and try them.

In case some of the 5mm screws are actually machine thread, common pitch is 0.80mm. Again, trial and error. They aren't usually expensive, and if you're careful with the packaging you can return leftovers.