Need suggestions for a removable or mobile fence for a parking spot next to the garage


Below is the layout of the space that I want to close with a fence. What is not shown in the picture is a large driveway that goes from the street to both the garage and the parking spot that I want to close.
My plan is to fix the front view of my property, the house that is next to me, on the left side is a mirror image of my house. All the houses on the street are the same model and mine is the only one that has no front fence next to the garage. My plan is to keep the parking spot as it is (could use it for storing a small boat or to part an utility trailer) but to mask this with a fence and a gate. The gate will be used for accessing the backyard and the front side of the fence should be removable so I can get the boat or the trailer out of there.

The brown strip next to the garage is for flowers. The grey square at the end of the far side of the space is a gate and behind that is the backyard and you can guess a patio there

I am looking for a smart idea to close that area and to preserve the accessibility of that space.

enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

Are you permitted to build out into the driveway toward the street? You could sink a post to the left and right (anchoring the right post to the face of the brick garage). Frame it across the top, hang an upper tubular guide, and build a hanging sliding panel in front of the boat. The panel would span the left ~2/3 of the opening in front of the boat and roll to the right when access is needed.

You could frame up a smaller swinging gate to the right of where the sliding panel is. The sliding panel would cover the swinging gate and part of the garage when open, when closed it would be like a fence. Something kinda like this:

enter image description here