Need to allow swivelling/rotating fitting for steel wire


I have a swing-hammock that's hanging from the ceiling (through an I-beam) with some steel wire. Everything is swell except the positioning of the hammock means it should be able to swivel. This can't happen with the current arrangement, the wire would twist and be compromised eventually (think a typical park swing and how you'd twist it up and then let it untwist at high speed).

Thus, I'm looking for the proper fitting to enable this rotation and can't seem to find one. Things like this aren't meant to operate under load, whatever I get needs to be able to handle a 250lb person and the force associated with sitting down in it and pulling out of it.

Something with bearings would be excellent I imagine, as obviously supporting weight while allowing rotation is a lot of force to handle gracefully.

Any tips would be awesome!

Best Answer

Your local mountaineering/rock climbing/etc. store (Mountain Equipment Co-Op is the one I am familiar with) will care a Swivel device that allows for rotation while still supporting the loads seen with a swing.

Swivel Image

The model pictured is good for a working load of 5kN which is about 1124lbs and a breaking strength of 23kN. They are expensive, however.