Need to determine the correct start capacitor for hvac unit


enter image description hereI need to replace the start capacitor in my HVAC unit and I don't see any identifiable markings on it. This unit also has a heat pump. I believe this start cap is for the heater. I found the part numbers on the manufacture website but they 6 different models. How do I determine which one is correct? Here are the pictures of my model and the parts available. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.enter image description here

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Best Answer

You have a single start cap there not a dual (from the wires I can see) The resistor is a safety bleed down for the cap. I would ASSUME that the blower motor uses a run cap and if you look on the upper right of the label on the blower motor it does give a run cap value of 5.5mfd. Bleed resistors are not normal on run caps. You may be able to find the value of the needed start cap by looking at the compressor nameplate. You can use any cap of the correct capacitance and voltage and if it lacks a bleed resistor and the bleed resistor is still good on that cap in the picture you can move it to the new cap. I'm sorry to tell you but none of your pictures have legible writing when blown up enough to read.