One LED has massive delay before turning on


I searched for similar issues, but didn't find one exactly like I am experiencing. I recently replaced four old light fixtures with LED light fixturess in an existing room. I used these:

In addition, I replaced 2 older dimmer switches with LED compatible ones.

The install was very easy. Everything worked right away. I'm not sure if the problem happened the next day or if it was good for a couple of day, but now when I turn the lights on first thing in the morning 3 of them light up right away and the 4th does not. After 30-60 minutes the light comes on and works fine for the whole day. This is the same every morning.

I assumed the LED fixture was bad so I ordered a single replacement and installed it. When I installed it it worked right away. However the next morning it didn't come on again. So I don't think it is a problem with the light.

If the switch was the issue I don't understand why it would only affect the one light. The other 3 always work right away.

I'm not sure what to try short of talking to an electrician.


This morning, I turned on the lights at 8:10 and it is 10:51 and the light still hasn't come on. Maybe this is getting worse or is completely not working now. I am going to buy a simple light switch and switch out the dimmer to see if it makes a difference.

Best Answer

So, I have this working now.

  • I tried a simple switch and it did not help
  • I swapped the lights and it didn't help

Finally I took down the two back lights and re-did the wiring. The non-working light was chained from the other light so I took the caps and re-wired everything I could. Once I put it back together it worked. So I can only assume that there was a shaky connection for one the connections. It is strange that it worked after a time after turning it on, but that does seem to be the issue.

Thanks for everyone's help.