Options for adding an additional valve to irrigation system


I currently have this setup:

enter image description here
enter image description here

In the diagrams below the green circles are individual valve boxes (why would they have used 3 boxes instead of 1 here?), the black lines are 1" plastic irrigation pipe, and the numbers are zone outputs (Hunter PGV valves).

enter image description here

I would like to add two zones. The space (center to center) between 1 and 2 is 5", and the space between 2 and 3 is 8.5". It seems like it would allllmost fit to add the new zones (7 & 8) like this, changing to one large rectangular box. Unfortunately there are structures to the left and right of this whole setup, so I can't just add an additional box to either side. Is there a minimum recommended distance between valves? Are there such things as "thin valves" for an application like this?

enter image description here

In fact, I actually want to run one of the new zones the other direction:

enter image description here

Is there a standard way to do this?

Best Answer

It looks like you have some "wiggle room" - the existing valves could be pushed closer together, though it might require rebuilding the manifold (branches off the supply line).

My 7-zone system is indeed in a single rectangular box. For ease of identification, I would recommend (at least) labeling each zone valve and if at all possible, re-number from 1 to 8 consecutively to avoid future confusion.

For your zone 8 to point the other direction, you should either route it around after it exits the box or dig deeper and route it underneath the valves. The valve should be in-line with the rest of them. Use care not to exceed the maximum bend radius for your tubing and do not kink it.

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