Oven wont turn back on after turning off circuit breaker

circuit breakeroven

I accidentally flipped the oven circuit breaker in my electric panel to 'OFF' while baking (was fixing a separate electrical problem), and now my oven won't turn back on (no clock or anything), even after I flip the circuit breaker back to 'ON'. Before I rip the oven out of the wall to check for blown fuse boxes, any ideas on what I should try? Do I have to wait awhile before turning the circuit breaker back to 'ON'?

Update: managed to access the control board. The fuse looks fine, so I'm not sure it was a power surge that killed the board.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I'd say this is a sign that turning the power back on did the control board in -- inrush often can send a marginal component to its grave. I'd check for power to the control board -- if it's getting power, then it's toast and needs to be replaced.