Overflooding because the tons of rain? or is the WELL- PUMP broken


About two weeks ago, I noticed there is water slowly coming up from around the well-pump pit and puddling around the well-pump.

Here are some facts:

  1. We've been having a lot of rain in the past month, 6 weeks.

  2. The water table is kind of low in our area.

  3. Our sump pump runs every 5 minutes – I timed it.

  4. The well-pump is on the lower middle of a sloped backyard and when I step anywhere within 5 feet, even uphill from the well pump, the yard is wet.

  5. The water pressure was fine until a couple days ago. Before; the shower can be running while using the any sink and there will be no difference in the water pressure. Now If any two faucets are in use, the pressure drops by half.

My thought is that with all this rain, the water table is so high that the water is flooding up around the lower end of the yard where the WELL is located. That will also explain why the sump pump is going off every 5 minutes.

My question is: Am I right in thinking the rain is causing the water table to overflow? or is there a problem with the well-pump?

I just don't want to call the well-pump company to charge me $100 just to tell everything is alright and just wait until the water table goes down.

Best Answer

Your well is likely fine just rising with the water table but you might want to check your pressure tank as suggested above. A change in water pressure suggests something is not quite right.