Paint color with same codes do not match


I ran out of paint after the first coat. I had the paint custom made to match a specific color. I still had the numbers/code so I thought it would be easy to match. The sample the store put on top of the can sure looked like it would match, however after the paint dried it wasn't close to the sample on the can. I was expecting a burgundy, but instead it dried a pinkish color.

I double/triple checked that the numbers on the new can does indeed match the colors on the old can. The sample they put on top of the can does look correct, so I do not think that the store mixed the paint incorrectly. The paint is Sherwin Williams Satin, Deep Base from Lowes.

What can I do differently to help make the paint match better when I repaint next time?

Unfortunately I did not take a picture when it was completely dry. However it did not change much in color.

This is the color I was expecting: brown/burgundy triangle

This is the color I ended up with: enter image description here

Best Answer

Take the two empty cans back to the store and ask them for a refund or replacement. Most big box stores offer satisfaction guarantees and will replace mismatched paint; the policy is designed for situations like what you're describing.

Then, follow the excellent advice in the other answers:

  • Buy the whole quantity you'll need right up front, versus buying two cans in separate transactions.
  • Check the stamps on the two cans of paint prior to them being mixed to make sure they came from the same batch (not often an issue, but if the two cans came in different batches, they base sometimes won't exactly match, so it won't matter if the added coloring matches)
  • Mix from both cans as you paint, so you're evening out any differences