Paint over RedGard waterproof membrane


I am redoing the bathroom. I just finished hanging the Durock around the 3-wall alcove tub. My plan is to waterproof it with RedGard before setting tile.

At the outside edges of the tub front (the two vertical parts of the tub on the "left" and "right" side that go from the tub deck down to the floor) I don't have enough room to place tile, but I am a bit worried about water splashing there. Can I put a thin strip of Durock and put the RedGard on it, but then paint it with the normal latex wall paint? Or should I cover the RedGuard in joint compound in this area (obviously I can paint over joint compound)?

I would hate to spend all this effort remodeling the bathroom just to get water damage along this thin strip by the tub if I just use drywall and paint it.

Best Answer

Ideally, you'd take the time to put tile there. You can cut tile fairly easily to fit.

If not, I imagine you can. I think I overlapped into the sheetrock area of my bath with redgard when I did it and the paint is fine, but I don't completely recall how far I took the RedGard. As long as you use a good primer, you should be OK, though.