Paint the top of a glass top stove


Our previous stove had white speckles over the top. This helped hide the streaks of casually done wipe ups.

Our present stove is a classic illustration that 'black attracts light coloured dirt' I am investigating whether it's practical to paint the top of the stove outside the burner areas, either in patterns, with a stencil, a tromp d'oeil sponge.

Such a paint would have to bond to the glass and would need to dry with a smooth finish so that it too was scrub tolerant.

Best Answer

The only absolute permanent way to mark glass that I know of is etching with a glass etching cream. I've used this for custom drink glasses and casserole dishes (all clear glass), but I don't know what it would look like on a black stove. It doesn't color the glass, but it would make little frosted specs all over if you sprinkled the etching over the surface.

I can tell you that the frosted markings do sort of disappear when the surface is wet, but always show back up once it dries.

This is more of a long comment because it's not tested for your purpose, but it's something to consider and possibly test in a corner or something. Before you do anything, realize that it permanently "damages" the glossy surface of the glass and there's no way to undo it if you don't like it.

Any paint will be raised from the surface of the glass which means it can be scraped off and could make cleaning harder. Maybe someone has some amazing product to try, but there's not a paint I know of that I would put on a cooktop surface. I believe the white specks and lines on a cooktop are some type of heat-fused ceramic like a glazing.