Peeling drywall paint, how to repaint


I've got a dry wall that had some old looks to be latex paint on it. I'm in the middle of repainting it and I see a small edge of paint stickin out. I try to pick it off and a sheet of paint rips up. I keep trying to pick the edges and more keeps peeling up. How should I go about painting over this? I can't get a smooth surface because there's always an edge of old paint left waiting to be peeled up. And I don't want to paint overs surface that can just be peeled up again so easily.

Best Answer

It's a drag, but it sounds like you already know what you have to do: peel off everything that peels off easily. No use painting over an unstable substrate; the new paint will just peel off too and you'll have to start over. Might as well do it right the first time.