Pipe leakage in the sink


I have this sink in my laundry room, and it started water-leaking a few days ago.

After checking it seemed to me that the joint part between the sink hole and the pipe was a gasket, which was supposed to be air-tight sealed but failed to hold up – water didn't flow down the pipeline, it oozed out from surrounding area of the joint.

I took down the pipe and noticed it says: "c4 CRN tubular f409 1-1/2". I looked up online but didn't find the replacement of the gasket for this pipe.

Do you agree with my diagnosis? Can anyone know where I can find a gasket
replacement for this type of pipe?

The pipe, the gasket and the sink hole are like below:

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

Thanks to suggestions from noybman and Kris. You are absolutely right. I bought the sink drain kits and putty from Lowe's and installed it, that fixed the problem.