Plumbing – alter the ‘timing’ of the toilet flush


I have a standard, normal flow toilet, with a problem. When the toilet is flushed, it seems to start refilling the bowl with water from the tank too soon, before the waste has had a chance to drain away.

The result is that the toilet paper/waste just kind of floats around and doesn't really get sucked away. Only when it's sat for a while, soaked in the water and thus got heavy enough to sink does it reluctantly flush away.

Is there anything I can adjust to fix this, or is just a poorly designed toilet/components?

Best Answer

Actually, that's how a toilet is supposed to work.

You can simulate a flush simply by dropping a couple gallons of water in right away.

enter image description here

The spray paint fill is the natural water level. Flushing occurs by suddenly dumping excess water in the bowl. This raises the water level at the back, an a siphon effect comes into play with pulls the remaining water out of the bowl, giving the typical whirlpool effect.

If you're not getting the whirlpool, and a clearing flush, there are two possible scenarios.

  1. The tank isn't full, and not enough water is coming down to clear the bowl
  2. There is a small blockage in the drain.

But timing isn't an issue.