Plumbing – Are hot water returns worth putting in


Once I saw on an episode of This Old House that they were putting in hot water return lines: pipes that recirculate idle hot water back to the heater so you get hot water right away, instead of wasting time and water.

My wife and I are looking to getting our first home and I think this might be a beneficial investment to make at some point. I also am skeptical of the cost.

Is it worth it to install them? Or is it a matter of convenience?

Best Answer

After doing a bit of research on what exactly hot water return lines are I found this page which goes into a lot of detail about how they work and their benefits and drawbacks.

The big drawback I see is that you will need to make sure that all your hot water lines are well lagged to minimise the inevitable heat loss that will occur with the hot water sitting in the pipes. Otherwise you will be heating water for it to go to waste when you aren't using it.

So you will need to add up all the costs:

  • extra pipework
  • lagging to minimise heat loss
  • extra redecoration where you've worked on the pipes
  • the extra heating costs
  • etc.

and decide whether it's a fair price to pay for instant hot water.

Another alternative would be to change the pipework so you don't have any long runs or even install secondary heaters for parts of the house.