Plumbing – Bathroom vanity tail piece doesn’t align with P-trap inlet


I recently installed a new vanity and the location of the inlet is 1/2 inch off from where the tail piece when the tail piece is straight and flush with the vanity.

When tugging a bit on the whole thing, I am able to insert the tailpiece into inlet. However it is at a slight angle, enough that when I screw the drain onto the inlet it will not sit flush to the sink.

enter image description here

It seems as simple as extending the outlet but then looking at the sink, most of it is inside the wall and everything is glued together.

enter image description here

I was thinking I could just buy a coupler to extend the outlet. I don't want to because I think when I cut it, it will be so close to the P-trap that I will need to either remove ( chip away? ) the outlet part that's glued inside the p-trap so that a new one can be put inside, or buy a new p-trap and other parts.

What is the proper way to fix this ?

Best Answer

Worst case cut the glued mess off and use a trap with compression rings a pvcckit at big box store 8-9$ . You will need a longer pice to the right 1-2$ more then everything is adjusted to the drain without pressure on it. They even make fancy chrome plated plastic for ~20 since you are upgrading if you want to. I would not use those flex tail pieces I usually find those after they have leaked and ruined the cabinet. Then put in the correct slip joint type of trap.