Plumbing – Can p-trap be installed higher than drain entry


I have p-trap entry in drain at 16" above the floor. However, vanity that I got has lower drawer which has top at about the same height. There is also about 4" clearance behind drawer.
I was told that the only way to install p-trap would be to cut back of the drawer.

So I wonder if it's really the case. Can't drain entry be just raised with some additional elbow so p-trap enters it 6" higher?
Any other options? Is it possible, for example, to install p-trap sideways so it fits into those 4" behind drawer?

Best Answer

  • As long as the p-trap is lower than the drainage from the basin then you can install it. It can also be lower than your exit pipe you need to drain into
  • You attach the p-trap directly to the drainage and manuever the p-traps exits into you existing drain.
  • It is not ideal to have the p-trap below the the exit drain because water gravity has to force the water out instead of it flowing downwards naturally. They both work and have seen it many times. But essentially anything below already creates its own p-trap- so using another is redundant.
  • If the p-trap is to tricky just create your own loop from pvc
  • For ease of manageability you can use a flexible waste connector pipe from the p-trap to your drain pipe.
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Some twisted to fit p-trap

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Small pcv p-trap

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A sideways p-trap is useless, you might as well connect it straight line.

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Theory of a p-trap

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You might want to look into s-traps also

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