Plumbing – Can we set up 2 water pumps such that they never run simultaneously

plumbingpumpwater tank

We are planning to install 2 water pumps, with 2 overhead tanks. Water outflow of these tanks will be different, so the pumps will mostly run at different times. Pumps are triggered based on water level controllers in the tanks. There could be a time when both may start simultaneously or one may start when the other is still running. We want to avoid this (because we want the output of both pumps to go through one single sand filter, but we don't want water to mix).

Is there a way to ensure the pumps never run together?

Best Answer

There are something called "alternating relays" or "alternating switches", not to be confused with alternators for cars/trucks. The good thing is they aren't a "one off" configuration, they are industry standard. The community water system I helped support used one to alternate between 2 pumps. Worked great.

alternating relay