Plumbing – Can you tell me where the some of the plumbing runs would be going to


just moved into my first new house in 17 years! My old house was a new build and very simple. This new to me house is about the same and had quite alot of basement work done at some point. That's where things start to confuse me. As you can see in the pics below, I have a plumbing quandry.

So here's what I know. The large shutoff in the middle of these runs appears to be the main shutoff. There is no longer a shutoff right out of the concrete and you can see where they removed it.

The bottom run is a 1/2 inch pipe and supplies the spigots BEFORE the softener. The softner then comes into play. The confusing thing is that there's a T there which would seem to be sending un-treated water SOMEWHERE, but I don't know how to tell where!

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Best Answer

I disagree that you see the main cutoff anywhere here. Keep looking - all those pipes originate from some other inlet to the house.

My guess about the red-handle valve is it's there to allow water flow when the softener tank is "offline". That valve should be closed under normal operation.

I see two "T" joints after the green valve. One has the blue-handle valve on it. So, to trace a bit, do this: 1) turn the red handle off. 2) Do whatever is needed so water can't pass thru the softener assembly. 3) turn the blue handle off.

Now any outlet/tap/ fixture which still gets water flow probably comes from the T-line on the left. Once you've identified those, open the blue-handle valve and see what additional items have water flow. Everything that doesn't have flow at this point probably goes thru the softener leg.