Plumbing – Can’t get whole-house water filter housing loose


I've got a well system, with a standard 10-inch filter housing between the pressure tank and the water softener.

The filter housing is plastic, and there are shut-off valves on either side. I religiously change the filter once a month, but when I tried to loosen the housing recently to replace the filter, I could not get the housing loose.

I tried some Russian diplomacy but it won't budge. I'm afraid to use too much force because I don't want to (a) rip the housing loose from the wall or (b) mess up the input/output lines attached to the housing.

Any ideas? I guess the nuclear option is to install a whole new filter housing, but I was hoping for a trick to loosen the existing one.


Best Answer

Those little red buttons quit functioning with age, and crappy water. Open a faucet, and turn supply off. A slight coating of petrolium jelly on the o ring works wonders as well. Use very little, just to the point of adding a sheen to the rubber.