Plumbing – Cheater vent from Behind Toilet


I would like to place a cheater vent (aav) behind the toilet. I just want to make sure this arrangement will work properly. Most of the vented toilet arrangements I see show the vent being downstream of the toilet. The Main toilet drain is actually 30 deg.enter image description here from the toilet to meet the main waste drain in that direction. Is this arrangement ok? Or should I wait till the toilet drain crosses under the adjacent wall and run the vent there. That would have the toilet working without a vent for about 4'.

enter image description here

I will have a box with a vent that is accessible from the wall inside the bathroom. The vent wont be enclosed with in the wall. I want to be able to perform maintenance on the valve if required. Sorry, I didn't draw that part of the system.

Best Answer

AAV’s are legal in my location but they cannot be used inside walls. I usually put one in the sink cabinet as high up as I can get it that works fof the sink shower quite well and ok for the toilet.