Plumbing – connect the drain for the new sink in this layout and why is it better in that point specifically


Which of the points 1,2,3 is the best to connect the drain of the new sink in the below picture?
The green pipe you see in the wall is a dry vent (it will replace the vertical grey vent you see in the picture)
The white pipes are 1.5" ABS and for the common section I would assume it is 2" (for now it is under the slab, I can't see it)

To avoid breaking more floor I could run the drain for the new sink through the wall and land near the shower drain end and add a common dry vent there. Is that a viable option?

In the end it will look like this
enter image description here

Best Answer

I would use a wye fitting on pipe # 3, run pipe coming off wye (45 degree angle) and use and 45 degree fitting to line up with center line of new sink,use a medium sweep to turn up clean out tee and then 2x2x11/2 santee at proper height Approximately 20” from floor of bathroom . Run vent up wall ,over and above finished ceiling and tie into new dry vent of same size or bigger