Plumbing – Difference Between Flashing Drain and On-Grade Drain


What is the difference between an "on-grade" drain and a "flashing" drain? What situations call for which? If installing a basement floor drain, which should I use?

In case it's not clear, here are the items I'm researching:

On-Grade Drains

On-Grade Drain

Flashing Drains

Flashing Drain

Best Answer

Just read the brochure, its all in there.

On-Grade Drains

on-grade floor drains are for use in ground-level applications, or where a waterproofing membrane is not needed.

Flashing Drains

Flashing drains are typically installed when a waterproofing membrane is used to protect finished areas under the drain.

you are going to want an on grade drain for almost all basement slab applications