Plumbing – Do I need to angle/pitch pex tubing for draining in the winter


I've never installed any plumbing before, but I'm going to try to install an outside faucet/sillcock because it seems fairly simple. The only interesting part is that the pex tubing will be run under a crawl space that gets extremely cold in the winter months.

I'm going to use a shut-off valve that can be drained, but I'm not sure the best way to pitch the pex tubing across such a long distance. I was going to use simple talon clamps.

Do I really even need to worry too much about the pitch?

Best Answer

yes you do. even if you drain it, its going to get water lying in low spots. that will rupture the line if it freezes. just make sure you slope it 1" in 4 ft to where you are going to drain it. that way it will have no water in it come freeze up. you can just mount it with stood off pex clamps