Plumbing – Does polybutylene plumbing require lower pressure


I've just purchased a new home (new to me; the house was built in 1994), and I've noticed that the water pressure is pretty low. Not low enough to be a serious impediment (it passed inspection), but it's significantly lower than the house I lived in previously, which is less than a mile away from the new one.

One thing that concerns me is that the inspector noted that I have polybutylene plumbing (but with copper fittings, which evidently makes it less of an issue), and so I'm wondering if a pressure reducing valve (PRV) has been installed in order to protect the plumbing. Is this something that would have been done specifically because of polybutylene plumbing, and am I playing with fire if I do find a PRV and adjust it higher?

Best Answer

Check your pressure before the regulator and after the regulator goes to the home and you will have your answer.