Plumbing – extend icemaker line by joining two braided lines


I am moving fridge further from the current water source (sink). The existing line is a compression fitted copper.

I bought a 25’ braided line but it is a bit short for comfort. I am thinking of securing the end of that 25’ line to the wall behind new fridge location and attaching a short braided line to hook up to the fridge. Now that’s two more connections that would potentially fail but Would you do it the same way or would you go copper?

I have never run a cooper line but I think I am capable. Guessing I’d just have to buy copper line, proper cooper tubing cutters, nuts and brass compression rings.

Another reason I am considering copper is that the reviews on braided line are mixed to awful taste/smell of harden hose to no taste and smell, and from what I gather this could be due to the type of water treatment a water district gets. I also run a cheap clear plastic tubing as a backup for this very reason.

What is the recommended route here?


Best Answer

"Would you do it the same way or would you go copper?"

I would run 1/4" copper tubing from the shut-off valve at the water source all the way to the wall behind the refrigerator; that line I would then consider a permanent install. This is especially appropriate if the line runs through/behind cabinets or other semi-inaccessible areas.

At the wall behind the refrigerator I would install an inline valve (to provide a quick local shut off capability) and transition to braided stainless-steel jacketed hose.


  • copper tubing compression fittings are pretty reliable
  • any hose (braided line is just a hose...) should be used only in areas where a leak could be easily noticed and the hose easily replaced
  • valves are often the weak point; do not use a "saddle valve" at the water source, and expect to replace any in-line valves, especially needle-valves.