Plumbing – Extending Length of Air Conditioning Drain Pipe


I live in a multi apartment building. All the neighbors has AC.

Many AC's has condensation drainage pipes which descent into the common garden and are cut at about two meters above ground. Others are cut at much higher heights.

I want to extend those low hanging pipes to funnel the water to the trees we have in the garden.

There are two types of pipes. I have attached pictures of both. The pipes are cut in a rough way, no connectors at their ends.

My questions are,

  1. How can I extend those pipes? What kind of connectors should I be looking in the store?

  2. Can I extend it into a drip irrigation system? Is it possible without adding pressure?


Best Answer

the first picture appears to be dish or clothes washer drain hoses. But to answer your questions: if the hoses are pliable or soft enough any short length of (PVC?) pipe similar to the inside diameter of the hose should suffice as a coupler to join two sections. Secure with hose clamps. Regarding splicing into an irrigation system; if it is not under pressure it might work correctly (or with a check valve installed). Most irrigation systems do function using water from a pressurized line although it is usually reduced by a valve.