Plumbing – Feedback for cheap, compact electric heating faucets


enter image description hereAs an alternative to traditional tankless heaters, aliexpress sells a variety of cheap taps incorporating a heater, for example:

220V 3000W Instant Electric Faucet Tap Hot Water Heater

This looks too good to be true, looking at the compactness and at the price.
Hence I was wondering if anybody has any kind of opnion/feedback about such products, for example with respect to safety, durability, doing what they promise, or any aspect.

Thank you!

Best Answer

First, it's Alibaba, for Pete's sake. Do you even have to ask?

Even if we take this product seriously, I think it's too much heater crammed in too little space. Either they're wildly sacrificing safety standards, or they are constricting flow down to a trickle. Or both.

If such a thing were made by a reputable manufacturer such as Siemens, GE, Chromalox, etc., I would expect a plain faucet as a head-unit, and the guts of the machine to be under the sink.

3000W is certainly not enough energy budget to get a water flow you would consider "reasonable" at a sink faucet. Go look up the flow vs temperature-rise data that is readily avaialable on the Web. You'll see 3kw is not enough.