Plumbing – Gap between basin waste and p Trap


First time poster – thanks for all replies.

I have just replaced a sink in my bathroom, but am finding it extremely frustrating replacing the P Trap under the sink for the following reason.

The original basin waste was very long, so I couldn't find one that was the same length as the original. I bought the longest one I could find, which now means that there is a tiny gap (about 20mm) between the basin waste and p trap that I cannot find any reasonable way to extending or adapting. Any adapter or extenders I've found are much to big for this gap.

All pipes are 40mm.

Does anyone know of an adapter that would be suitable in this situation? Thanks.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to simplify your design and bring the trap down to the level of the outlet connection, like so:

enter image description here

It's a bit difficult to offer more detail with what I can't see in the photo. It may be that your outlet is so low that you can't achieve exactly that. Post a clear photo showing the entire thing (or just remove it all and show us the bare outlet).