Plumbing – Hot water never reaches 2nd floor bath


I recently purchased a house that was flipped (that was my first mistake) and the 2nd story bathroom was added altogether, and the shower has always leaked into my kitchen. Finally, 9 months, 4 people, and lots of money later, it is fixed. But now the problem is that I can't really get hot water to come through. My water heater is in the basement, so I expected it to take a little longer to get hot, but I just let it run and it was warm-ish for a minute but finally turned cold before ever getting to be as hot as I would like. The strange part is that both sinks in the same bathroom will get hot. My hot water heater is turned up as high as it will go. Any ideas? I have taken a shower up here a few times, just when my plumber would claim it was fixed, and I was able to get hot water then. However, that was a few months ago so it wasn't quite as cold outside then. Not sure if that's relevant. I'm pretty desperate to get a working shower on the same floor as my bedroom, so any advice is appreciated.

Best Answer

SInce you know hot water is making it to the 2nd floor, there are pretty much two possibilties. One, as TPE suggested, is that you have a thermostatic shower valve that's not working -- or even a mixer valve that isn't opening on the hot-water side. The other is that the shower is on a separate hot-water feed line from the sinks, and that this line is kinked, or has a cut-off valve somewhere that is shut or jammed (or is just letting a trickle of hot water through.

I fear that without being on-site none of us can tell what your plumbing "map" is. My usual advice is to ask your friends who they have used and recommend for plumbing work, and explain in the same detail as you did here what's wrong.